Customized smart car fails to leap canyon in Tbilisi

On my walk through the neighborhood this morning I saw this strange sight.


I pointed it out to the tall person and suggested that the intrepid driver of this customized smart car had clearly failed in his attempt to leap across the canyon outside our local supermarket.

The tall person smiled and explained that the customized smart car was in fact a shopping cart designed to carry a child.

Hmm. I don’t think small children should be attempting such dangerous stunts, even with the precaution of a custom roll cage and training wheels.

Fence contractor goes the extra mile to save tree

On my walk through the neighborhood today I saw this.

Funny Tree

I pointed it out to the tall person and remarked that the fencing contractor went to incredible lengths to preserve the tree. He smiled and said that it was indeed an extraordinary engineering feat.

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Yoga for elephants

On my walk through the neighborhood this morning I saw this.

Yoga for Elephants

Yes. Yoga classes for elephants.

I pointed it out to the tall person and suggested that yoga would be very helpful to elephants as they always appear very stiff, especially when walking. The tall person smiled and agreed that it would be helpful but the yoga classes are in fact for people, not elephants. He explained that the elephant depicted on the poster is a representation of Ganesha, one of the most popular deities in the Hindu pantheon.

Hmm. I should have guessed. I have never seen an elephant in the neighborhood so there would be no point in offering them yoga classes.

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Cat shirks household chores

On my walk through the house today I saw this.


Yes. Barnaby had fallen asleep whilst doing the vacuuming.


He did look tired. I hope that the tall person does not find him sleeping and think that he is shirking his chores.

I later found out that Barnaby had fallen asleep after just one minute’s vacuuming. Hmm.

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Wasps strengthen home security

On my walk through the yard this morning I saw this.


The wasp was obviously concerned about home security and had installed an impressive lock on the entrance to its nest.

I pointed it out to the tall person and asked if this was a response to a possible spate of burglaries on wasp homes in the neighborhood. He smiled and told me that it is a key hole on one of the doors in our yard and not a wasp home.

Hmm. I was wondering how the wasp would be able to carry its keys.

Tree people found in Tbilisi

Yesterday, the tall person showed me photographs he had taken of the recent Independence Day celebrations. One particular photograph caught my eye.

tree people

I remarked to the tall person that I had never seen tree people before and it was good that they felt confident enough to climb down from their leafy home and participate in the celebrations. One thing troubled me though and I asked the tall person why the tree people were showing a keen interest in a formidable looking rifle.

The tall person smiled and told me that the two men were in fact army snipers in camouflage and not tree people.

Hmm. I think you are partly right tall person. It would make sense that the army would employ tree people, especially as Georgia has many forests and the tree people’s arboreal expertise would be very useful in a conflict with squirrels.

Car customizers should read this

On my walk through the neighborhood today I noticed this.

Built for speed

I pointed it out to the tall person and suggested that the owner is clearly obsessed with speed and had stripped his car down to make it as light and as fast as possible.

The tall person smiled and agreed that my theory was a possible reason for the car’s condition but pointed out that by removing the wheels the driver has drastically affected its potential to move.

Hmm. The driver clearly has no understanding of Newton’s laws of motion.

Lost u-boat spotted in Tbilisi garden

On my walk through the neighborhood this morning I had a feeling I was being watched. And then I noticed this.


Yes. I was being observed by submariners through a rusty old periscope.

I pointed it out to the tall person and suggested that a World War 2 submarine had survived the conflict and was hiding beneath our feet. The tall person smiled and admitted that it did look like a periscope but reminded me that we were many miles from the sea. He concluded that it was just a rusty old pipe.

Hmm. I just hope your skepticism is not torpedoed tall person.

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Soda rockets launched from Tbilisi

On my walk through the neighborhood today I saw this strange thing.

Soda Rocket

I pointed it out to the tall person and suggested that it was a soda rocket launcher that had fired all but one of its carbonated water beverages, bringing refreshment to thirsty people in the neighborhood. The tall person smiled and admitted that the device did have a passing resemblance to the Katyusha multiple rocket launchers used by the Soviet army in World War 2 and commonly called ‘Stalin’s Organ’. However, he assured me that it was a flower seller’s stand.

Hmm. An unconvincing explanation tall person. I don’t see any flowers but I do see a soda pop rocket ready for launch.

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