About me

My name is Bassa. I am a female Caucasian Shepherd dog living in Tbilisi in the country of Georgia. I was born in October 2010 at the famous nursery at St. George’s Monastery of Tabakini where Georgian Orthodox priests have been breeding Caucasian Shepherd dogs since 1992. I share my life with an Englishman I call the tall person, a little person called Gigi, De (the little person’s mom), Mari (the little person’s aunt), Barnaby the Cat, Bambi the Kitten and my daughter Moses (born in October 2013).

Caucasian Shepherd Bassa and Smiling Tall Person

bassa's world cover imageAn eBook about my life is available on Amazon. Called ‘Bassa’s World’, it is a collection of anecdotes, photos and observations of my life in the country of Georgia.

One reader said, “I LOVED this book! Seeing the world through Bassa’s eyes is odd, inspiring, adorable, and often hilarious! She gives us a wonderful look at her day to day life, with her human family, her cat, her neighborhood, and her town, with some invaluable tips for dogs thrown in. Bassa’s World is informative, and a ton of fun!”

Download it today – it might just make you look at your world (and your dog) in a completely different way! Find it here.

61 thoughts on “About me

    • Thank you for thinking of me! I haven’t been blogging for long and it means a lot when someone takes the time to read something and even more so if they enjoy it and comment. Thank you very much for the award.

      I have subscribed to your blog. You write beautifully.

  1. Dear Bassa, I just found your blog from your comment on the “Life at a Boarding Stable” blog.
    Thank you for sharing your life at the other side of the globe. This will be a favorite, for sure!
    How do you get your paws to type the keys? I have to get my tall person to do it for me.

  2. Hi, guys, thanks for stopping by our blog and commenting. We’re glad to find you, too. Bassa is very big, yet absolutely adorable girl! I’ve only read your last 2 posts so far, but I like your writing style, so I’m not looking for the subscribe button 🙂

  3. I have recently been following you and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. I have been going back through your blog and it is wonderful. I really enjoy seeing the sites in your part of the world. Thanks for a great blog. I will continue to read it and enjoy it. I am from North Mississippi, USA, and am the Mom to Dudley, and Old English Sheepdog.

  4. I found you because I received a Liebster Blog Award and Chancy the Gardner recommended you…well here I came and I love your blog. Your big girl Bassas is gorgeous! I am now going to pay it forward and recommend your blog to others. I hope you will visit my little guy at The Dante Diaries.

  5. Bassa I found your blog through our mutual friend Jodi over at Life With Sampson and Delilah….the 411. First let me say how beautiful you are and I enjoyed reading through some of your posts. I have subscribed to your blog and look forward to following you.

    Pop over sometime and give us a look!

  6. Really enjoy the stories and the pictures. What a beautiful girl you are. So sorry you are so far away or we would love to play. Keep blogging – DogDaz

    • 🙂 Thank you Basil. I am very pleased that you have added my blog to your recommended reads sections. I would love to see a preview and will ask tall person to email you 🙂

  7. bassa, we hope you are not yawning because you just received yet another Versatile Blogger Award (VBA) from us! we know this is getting to be old news for you – but it was really exciting and new for us, and we wanted to share it with you! because you have been there every paw of the way with us.

    please take good care of barnaby and keep on posting!


    madeleine and gingersnap! and mama l.

    • Dear Madeleine, Gingersnap and Mama L, when I read your post I did not realize that you had awarded Bassa’s Blog with the wonderful Versatile Blogger Award. I thought you had given me an ‘honorable mention’ (which was lovely). I am delighted that the honorable mention is in fact an award! Thank you so much! Love from your friend Bassa (and Barnaby and tall person) x

  8. you are quiet an entertainer Bassa! you got me smiling and laughing with your clued-up journal..and I just have to follow you! sending hugs and kisses all the way to you and barnaby. 🙂

  9. Pingback: New Award on May: Very Inspiring Blogger Award « kofegeek

  10. Just thought I’d drop by to let you know how fabulous I think your blog is Bassa (which you already know!), and let you know I’ve mentioned it in my list of Addictive Blogs. There’s an award that goes with the mention – feel free to just know that it’s there or pass it on. Thanks for sharing your stories with us; I look forward to them arriving in my inbox! x http://wp.me/p1m5Gv-Mw

  11. I just wanted to drop in to let you know that I just found your blog today. I was on another blog and saw your gravatar and stopped by! I am definitely subscribing because I love Bassa, beautiful dog, and your photographs are awesome! I hope you stop by by blog & subscribe too! We have two dogs, Nikita and Bella! Have a wonderful day… Valerie http://www.nikitaland.wordpress.com

  12. HI Bassa

    You are a very beautiful girl, and I would love to have a little pup that would become like you at my house in Scotland. Not for any defensive purposes, but because I think that you are one of the most beautiful dogs I have ever seen. I have a big, three bedroom house, with a garden for bathroom emergencies, and I live very close to a big wood and beach for brilliant walks. Could you give me any advice? Also, I have a cat who I love very dearly – do you think a pup could learn to love him to?

    Thank you


    • Hi Grace. Thank you for your very lovely message. It sounds like you live in a beautiful area. Caucasian Shepherd dogs do need a lot of exercise and you having a wood and a beach nearby sounds ideal. We have two cats. Caucasian Shepherd dogs consider any pets to be part of the family and will protect them. There are several breeders in the UK that sometimes have pups for sale but they are expensive – expect to pay £2,000+ for a good pedigree. The alternative is to import one. I do hope that one day you will be able to share your home with a Caucasian Shepherd dog. They are magnificent animals.

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