I carried six!

On my walk through the house today I saw this.

Two of Bassa's 26 day old puppies

Two of Bassa’s 26 day old puppies

Yes, the tall person was practicing weightlifting with two of my puppies. He told me that tomorrow he will try to lift three.

Hmm. I carried six until very recently.

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A special delivery!

Bassa has safely delivered her puppies. The first pup was born just after midnight on 8 October 2013 and by the morning, Bassa was the proud mom of 7 plump and healthy puppies.

Bassa's Puppies

Bassa’s Puppies

This lovely dark colored male was born first.

The first puppy - born 1 minute past midnight October 8 2013

The first puppy – born 1 minute past midnight October 8 2013

They are all feeding well.

One of Bassa's Puppies

One of Bassa’s Puppies

Bassa is very patient as her pups line up for milk!

Bassa's Hungry Puppies

Bassa’s Hungry Puppies

Bassa's Puppies (2)

Bassa is well and doing a great job looking after her new family.

Bassa - the proud mom

Bassa – the proud mom

Congratulations Bassa!

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