Hello world!

Hello internet world. My name is Moses and Bassa is my mom.

One of Bassa's 31 day old Puppies

One of Bassa’s 31 day old Puppies

I am 1 month old.

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I carried six!

On my walk through the house today I saw this.

Two of Bassa's 26 day old puppies

Two of Bassa’s 26 day old puppies

Yes, the tall person was practicing weightlifting with two of my puppies. He told me that tomorrow he will try to lift three.

Hmm. I carried six until very recently.

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A Hot Dog!

On my walk through the bathroom today I saw this.


One of my puppies had climbed onto the heated towel rail!

I immediately raised the alarm and the tall person came to investigate.

When he saw the stranded puppy he smiled and told me that it was not one of mine – it was a stuffed toy that had been washed.

Hmm. It looked like one of mine.

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