21 thoughts on “Mistaken identity

  1. Stella the Great Newfenees here, via my scribe.
    I have a tendency to attack black. I don’t like black. I don’t like it at all.
    Problem: It seems everyone around me wears black gloves and mitts. I grab them in my mouth to get those black things of my two-legger friends. FAST! And my two-legger friends yelp and get angry.
    My scribe understands that I’m having some sort of (instinctual?) reaction, and she tells people to pull off their black things right away (but when it’s -40C outside, they are understandably reluctant to follow her advice). Then I see what I’ve done and I’m very sorry. I would never bite a two-legger on purpose unless I had a VERY good reason!
    I look a lot like you, Bassa, same size except I’m white and pale tan and black. I wonder if we have some common genetic thing happening?

    • Hi Stella, thank you for stopping by and commenting. I have some empathy with your aversion to gloves. I don’t particularly like them but color is not a factor. I’m also not too keen on hats. Anyone coming into my house quickly removes hats and gloves as they know that I will remove them if they don’t 🙂

  2. Hi Bassa! Great new look! I mean the page (and you are lovely also, my dear). I understand your dilemma. My girl Pearle has a little thing for meat on the hoof. Family is safe, but strangers are fair game for a quick bite. Other than that unfortunate little quirk, she’s a real doll. Of course this a bit unacceptable so that is why she came to live with Mom and Dad. It’s quiet here, not much human traffic. And Pearle’s lost weight. I think because she isn’t snacking so much…
    I am too much of a gentleman to comment on a gal’s eating habits, but since you brought it up, maybe your family would appreciate it if you were to cut out some of the snacks, too. Just sayin’.

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